What Time of Year is Best to Renovate?

Matt Keane
June 3, 2024

Are you interested in knowing the best time to renovate your home? When planning a home renovation, there are several key factors every homeowner should consider. Factors such as costs, finding the right contractor, and weather conditions play a crucial role, as they can greatly impact both the timeline and the execution of your project. 

Choosing the right time of year for your renovation isn't just about convenience—it can significantly influence the success and efficiency of the entire process. 

In this blog, we will compare the pros and cons of renovating across different seasons and provide some planning tips to help you choose the best time for your home improvement plans.

So, let's get started.

What Are the Best Times of the Year to Renovate by Season?

Understanding the pros and cons of renovating during different seasons allows you to plan your project more effectively. 


Spring is a popular time for renovations due to the mild weather, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor projects. The season's moderate temperatures and reduced chances of severe weather interruptions provide the best conditions for construction work. 

Additionally, starting renovations in the spring allows you to finish in time to enjoy the results during the summer months. However, this popularity means contractors are in high demand, so scheduling might require advance planning.


Summer offers long days with plenty of daylight, which can extend working hours on your renovation project. It's especially good for outdoor work like landscaping or exterior painting, where warm weather is beneficial. 

However, the heat can sometimes be a challenge, and because it's peak season, finding available contractors might be difficult without prior arrangement. Renovating in the summer also allows for outdoor cooking and activities, minimising disruption to your daily life if kitchen upgrades are involved.


Autumn is considered an ideal time for renovations due to cooler temperatures and less demand for contractors compared to summer. This season allows you to prepare your home for winter, especially for projects like window replacements or adding insulation. 

Additionally, completing renovations in the autumn means your home will be ready to enjoy holiday gatherings comfortably. Just be mindful of quicker weather changes and earlier evening times, which might affect work schedules.


Winter might seem like an unlikely time to start renovations, but it has its advantages, especially for indoor projects. Since it's the off-peak season for renovations, you might get better deals from contractors who are less busy during these months. 

Winter projects can be beneficial as they ensure you're not interfering with outdoor living spaces and can prepare your home in time for spring. However, consider potential delays due to holiday seasons and cold weather.

How Can You Plan Your Renovation?

With your goals set, budget in place, and a realistic schedule, you're well-prepared to plan the complexities of a renovation. 

Set clear goals

Before starting a renovation, it's crucial to establish clear goals. What are you aiming to achieve with your renovation? Are you updating a kitchen, adding a bathroom, or perhaps extending a living space? 

Setting clear objectives helps guide your decisions and keeps the project focused. Begin by listing what you need versus what you want, and then prioritise these based on your budget and the practicality of each during different seasons.


Start by getting multiple estimates from contractors to understand the potential costs. Include a fund for emergencies in your budget for unexpected expenses, which are common in renovation projects. 

Planning your finances well in advance also gives you the flexibility to take advantage of seasonal discounts on materials and labour.


Consider how the project's timeline fits with your personal schedule and the seasonal considerations discussed earlier. For larger projects, consult with your contractor to create a detailed timeline that outlines each phase of the renovation. Ensure that this schedule allows some flexibility for delays, which are often certain.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Each Season?

Each season offers unique advantages and challenges for renovation projects. Comparing these against your specific needs and circumstances will help you choose the best time to renovate.


Spring has the benefit that it is ideal for starting renovations due to the generally mild weather, which facilitates both indoor and outdoor projects. Spring is a time of renewal, making it psychologically appealing to start fresh with new renovations. 

The negative point of spring is that it is a high-demand season for contractors, which can lead to higher prices and longer wait times for project commencement. Weather can still be unpredictable with occasional rain, potentially delaying projects involving exterior work.


Long daylight hours increase productivity, and good weather is more likely, which is perfect for exterior renovations like roofing or landscaping.

Summer is peak renovation season, so contractor availability can be low and prices high. Intense heat might also make certain types of work, like painting or roofing, more challenging and uncomfortable.


Cooler temperatures make it comfortable for workers, and the season is less busy than summer, which may result in lower costs and better availability of contractors.

The weather can turn quickly, bringing early snow or rain that might delay or damage ongoing projects. Days get shorter, reducing workable daylight hours.


Less busy season for renovations, potentially leading to lower prices and greater contractor availability. Indoor renovations can proceed unaffected by the cold.

Cold weather can delay or complicate exterior projects. Also, holiday seasons may disrupt work schedules and project timelines.


Choosing the right time of year to renovate can greatly impact the efficiency, cost, and overall success of your project. Each season offers distinct advantages and challenges. Spring and summer provide longer daylight hours for work, autumn offers cooler weather, and winter might score you a discount with fewer busy contractors. 

Compare these factors against your specific renovation needs to decide the optimal time for your project.

Want to start your renovation? Contact BuildTech today. Our experts will help you plan your project to align perfectly with your goals and timeline.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.

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