What Should You Do First in a Home Renovation?

Matt Keane
April 11, 2024

Are you planning to renovate your home in Ireland? Whether you want to update your kitchen, bathroom, living room, or bedroom, home renovation can be a difficult yet exciting project.

But before you start the renovation process, it's essential to have a clear plan and strategy. What should you do first in a home renovation? How can you ensure that your renovation project goes smoothly and successfully? 

In this blog post, we will share with you some tips and advice on how to prepare for your home renovation, what steps to follow, and what mistakes to avoid

Let’s explore the process of initiating your renovation project effectively, ensuring a smooth transition to your dream home.

Why Should You Consider Home Renovation?

There are many reasons why you may want to renovate your home. Some of the most common ones are:

  • To improve the functionality and comfort of your home
  • To increase the value and appeal of your home
  • To modernise and update the style and design of your home
  • To fix any structural or safety issues in your home
  • To make your home more energy-efficient and eco-friendly

Whatever your motivation, home renovation can be a rewarding and worthwhile investment. However, it can also be a challenging and stressful process if you don’t plan and execute it properly. That’s why it’s important to know what to do first in a home renovation and how to avoid common mistakes.

How to Plan Your Home Renovation?

The first and most important step in any home renovation project is planning. Planning involves setting your goalsbudgettimeline, and scope of work

Without a clear plan, you may end up wasting time, money, and resources, or worse, compromising the quality and safety of your home. Here are some tips to plan your home renovation effectively:

Define your goals and vision

What do you want to achieve with your home renovation? What are your needs and preferences? How do you want your home to look and feel after the renovation? 

Having a clear vision of your desired outcome will help you prioritise and focus on the most important aspects of your project.

Set your budget and contingency

How much can you afford to spend on your home renovation? How will you finance your project? How much additional money do you have in case of unexpected costs or delays? 

Setting a realistic and detailed budget will help you manage your finances and avoid overspending or underestimating your expenses.

Establish your timeline and milestones

How long do you expect your home renovation to take? When do you want to start and finish your project? What are the major phases and tasks involved in your project? How will you track and measure your progress?

Establishing a realistic and flexible timeline will help you organise your schedule and coordinate with your contractors and suppliers.

Determine your scope of work and specifications

What are the specific areas and features that you want to renovate in your home? What are the materials, colours, finishes, and fixtures that you want to use? What are the standards and codes that you need to comply with?

Determining your scope of work and specifications will help you define your requirements and expectations and communicate them clearly to your contractors and suppliers.

How to Choose Your Contractors and Suppliers?

The next step in your home renovation project is choosing your contractors and suppliers. These are the people who will execute your plan and deliver your vision. 

Choosing the right contractors and suppliers can make or break your home renovation project. You want to work with professionals who are reliableexperiencedskilled, and trustworthy. Here are some tips for choosing your contractors and suppliers:

Do your research

Ask for recommendations from your friends, family, neighbours, or colleagues who have done similar home renovation projects. Check online reviews, ratings, portfolios, and testimonials of potential contractors and suppliers. Compare their prices, services, and quality of work.

Evaluate Your Options

Contact at least three contractors and suppliers for each aspect of your project. Ask them about their qualifications, credentials, licences, insurance, and warranties. 

Ask them for references and contact their previous clients. Ask them for a written estimate and a contract that outline the scope, cost, and duration of their work.

Negotiate and finalise your deal

Once you have selected your contractors and suppliers, negotiate the best terms and conditions for your project. Review and sign the contract and make sure that you understand and agree with everything that is written. 

Keep a copy of the contract and any receipts, invoices, or documents related to your project.

How to Manage Your Home Renovation?

The final step in your home renovation project is managing it. This involves overseeing and supervising the execution of your plan and ensuring that everything goes according to your expectations. 

Managing your home renovation project can be stressful and overwhelming, especially if you have multiple contractors and suppliers working on different aspects of your project. 

Here are some tips to manage your home renovation project effectively:

Communicate and coordinate regularly

Stay in touch with your contractors and suppliers and monitor their progress and performance. Provide them with clear and timely feedback and instructions. 

Address any issues or concerns as soon as they arise. Keep a record of all your communications and agreements.

Inspect and evaluate the quality of work

Visit your home frequently and check the quality and safety of the work done by your contractors and suppliers. Look for any defects, errors, or mistakes in your plan and specifications.

Request any corrections or adjustments if needed. Don’t pay for any work that is not satisfactory or complete.

Enjoy Your Renovated Home

Once your home renovation project is complete, inspect and approve the final result. Ensure everything aligns with your plan and expectations.

Pay your contractors and suppliers and thank them for their work. Enjoy your newly renovated home.


Home renovation can be a rewarding and worthwhile investment, but it can also be a challenging and stressful process. That’s why it’s important to know what to do first in a home renovation and how to avoid common pitfalls

By following the tips and advise that we have shared in this blog post, you can planexecute, and manage your home renovation project successfully and achieve your desired results.

If you're looking for expert assistance, consider reaching out to BuildTech. From design to construction, with our comprehensive range of services and a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, BuildTech is equipped to bring your vision to life.

Contact us for a free quote or consultation and let us help you transform your home.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.

How to clone into other project?

  • Press "Ctrl + E" or "Cmd + E" in the Designer and enable "Select on-page element".

  • Search for the class named, "Cloneable Area".

  • Copy the element inside this container to your own project.

  • Rename the classes accordingly if they are clashing with your project.

  • Ensure custom code from the in-page setting has been copied into your project as well (if there's any).

  • 'Page Trigger' interaction can't be copied directly. You can only clone the whole project, or rebuild it.
    A simple trick to copy the 'Page Trigger' interaction into another project is as below:

    1. Create a dummy element.
    2. Apply any type of 'Element trigger' into the dummy element and select the 'Page Trigger' animation.
    3. Copy the dummy element with the animations applied into your new project.
    4. The animation should have been copied into your project and you can reapply the 'Page Trigger' animation into your project.

  • If you have further inquiry or need assistance, feel free to contact us.

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