How Do You Qualify for a Deep Retrofit Grant?

Matt Keane
November 9, 2023

Are you an Irish homeowner concerned about the increasing expenses of making your home more energy-efficient? We understand your concerns completely. In our exploration of this common worry, we've discovered a solution: Grant Assistance from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

Moreover, this article provides valuable information on securing a deep retrofit grant, which could cover costs like insulation and renewable energy system installation. So, keep reading to learn more about this potential asset for eco-friendly home improvements.

Key Takeaways

  • Homeowners, non-corporate landlords, and approved housing bodies in Ireland can qualify for a deep retrofit grant.
  • The grant is available for properties built and occupied before 2011 that meet certain criteria.
  • To apply, homeowners must check their eligibility, contact the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), consult a technical advisor, prepare required documents, submit an application, await approval, and start their retrofit project.
  • Required documents include proof of ownership, a Building Energy Rating (BER) certificate with a rating of C3 or below, quotes from contractors for proposed retrofit measures, and bank account information for grant payment purposes.
  • The deep retrofit grants can fund up to 50% of the cost for insulation upgrades, heating control systems installation,

Eligibility for the Deep Retrofit Grant

To qualify for the Deep Retrofit Grant in Ireland, homeowners, non-corporate landlords, and approved housing bodies are eligible to apply. Additionally, the grant is available for eligible properties that meet certain criteria.

Homeowners, non-corporate landlords, and Approved Housing Bodies

As owners of homes built and occupied before 2011, we have good news. We can apply for the National Retrofitting Scheme in Ireland. Even if we're not big business landlords, as long as our properties aren't run by a corporation, we qualify.

So, this is a great chance to improve the energy rating of our homes from C3 or below to B2 or higher. Plus, approved housing bodies get it too! Let's make use of this chance given by SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland).

It lets us add insulation, set up heating control systems, and bring renewable energy methods into play. So let's try hard to lower our carbon footprint together!

Eligible properties

If you own a property that was built and occupied before 2011, you may be eligible for a deep retrofit grant in Ireland. This means that both private homeowners and non-corporate landlords can apply for the grant.

It is also available to approved housing bodies that manage social housing. The aim of this grant is to help improve the energy rating of your property from C3 or below to B2 or higher.

So, if your home needs insulation, heating control systems, or renewable energy installations, you should check if it meets the eligibility criteria set by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

Grant Application Process

To apply for a deep retrofit grant in Ireland, homeowners, non-corporate landlords, and approved housing bodies must follow a simple application process.

How to apply

Here are the steps to apply for a deep retrofit grant in Ireland:

  1. Check your eligibility: Ensure that you own a property built and occupied before 2011.
  2. Contact the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI): Reach out to SEAI to find out if your property is eligible for grant funding.
  3. Consult a technical advisor: Seek advice from a technical advisor to assess your home's energy performance and identify potential improvements.
  4. Prepare the required documents: Gather all necessary documentation, such as energy performance certificates and quotes from contractors.
  5. Submit your application: Fill out the application form provided by SEAI and submit it along with the required documents.
  6. Await approval: Your application will be reviewed, and you will be notified if it is approved or if any additional information is needed.
  7. Start your retrofit project: Once approved, you can begin implementing the recommended energy efficiency measures.

Required documents

Here are the documents you will need to apply for a deep retrofit grant in Ireland:

  1. Proof of ownership: Firstly, you will need to provide documentation showing that you are the owner of the property.
  2. Building Energy Rating (BER) certificate: Secondly, this certificate provides information about the energy performance of your property. You will need a BER certificate with a rating of C3 or below to be eligible for the grant.
  3. Quotes from contractors: Thirdly, you must obtain quotes from registered contractors for the proposed retrofit measures. These quotes should include details of the work to be carried out and the associated costs.
  4. Bank account information: Fourthly, you will need to provide your bank account details for grant payment purposes.
  5. Consent forms: Lastly, if you are applying on behalf of an approved housing body, you may need to submit consent forms or other relevant documentation as required by the SEAI.

Selection criteria

To qualify for a deep retrofit grant in Ireland, there are certain selection criteria that you need to meet. First and foremost, you must own a property that was built before 2011 and is already occupied.

The grant is available for private homeowners, non-corporate landlords, and approved housing bodies. Secondly, the aim of the National Housing Retrofit Scheme is to improve the energy rating of properties from C3 or below to B2 or higher.

So, if your property falls within this range and requires energy efficiency improvements, you may be eligible for the grant. It's also important to note that grants are awarded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), so it's recommended to get in touch with them to find out if your property qualifies for funding.

Grant Funding and Benefits

The Deep Retrofit Grant provides funding for approved retrofit measures, such as insulation, heating control systems, and renewable energy installations. The grant amount depends on the scope of the project and can greatly offset the costs associated with deep retrofitting.

Additionally, homeowners who undergo a deep retrofit can enjoy benefits such as reduced energy bills, improved comfort levels in their homes, and a smaller carbon footprint.

Grant amounts

The deep retrofit grants in Ireland can provide funding of up to 50% of the cost of a typical deep retrofit project. The grant levels are determined based on achieving a Building Energy Rating (BER) of B2 or higher.

So, this means that homeowners could receive a substantial amount of financial assistance to make energy efficiency improvements to their homes. It's important to note that the availability and specific amounts of these grants may vary, so it's best to check with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) for the most up-to-date information regarding grant amounts for your property.

Approved retrofit measures

Here are the approved retrofit measures for the deep retrofit grant:

  1. Insulation: Firstly, this includes upgrading the insulation of your walls, roof, and floors to improve energy efficiency and reduce heat loss.
  2. Heating control systems: Secondly, installing smart thermostats, zoned heating controls, and advanced heating systems can help you better manage your heating usage and reduce energy waste.
  3. Renewable energy installations: Lastly, you can qualify for the grant by installing renewable energy systems such as solar panels or heat pumps, which generate clean and sustainable energy for your home.

Benefits of deep retrofit

A deep retrofit can bring many benefits to your home. First and foremost, it can greatly improve the energy efficiency of your property, helping you save on your energy bills. By upgrading insulation, heating control systems, and installing renewable energy sources, you can reduce the amount of energy needed to heat and power your home.

This not only saves you money but also helps reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. Additionally, a deep retrofit can increase the overall comfort of your home by eliminating drafts and ensuring a more consistent temperature throughout.

So, it may also enhance the value of your property and make it more attractive to potential buyers in the future. So not only will you enjoy immediate savings on your bills, but you'll also be investing in a more sustainable and comfortable living space for years to come.

Ready to Upgrade? Check Your Grant Eligibility Now!

To qualify for a deep retrofit grant in Ireland, you must be the owner of a property built and occupied before 2011. Also, the grant is available for insulationheating control systems, and renewable energy installations.

So, contact SEAI to find out if your property is eligible for grant funding and stay updated with the latest information on grants and financing options. For more information, call us or visit BuildTech!

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.

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