How Much Does an Average Bathroom Renovation Cost?

Matt Keane
December 31, 2023

Today, we're exploring a project that excites many homeowners: bathroom renovation. Thinking of turning your old bathroom into a sleek, modern space? Or maybe, on the other hand, you're considering a full makeover because of a persistently leaky faucet. Whatever your reason, a key question likely pops up: "How much will this cost?"

Consequently, bathroom renovations can vary a lot in both size and style, which can make estimating the cost a bit challenging. Therefore, in this article, we'll outline the typical costs involved in an average bathroom renovation, covering everything from materials and labour to those unexpected extras.

Additionally, we're here to give you a clear idea of what you might spend, helping you plan your bathroom upgrade wisely and affordably.

So, let's dive in and discover how you can transform your bathroom into a beautiful and functional space, all within a budget that works for you!

Factors Affecting Bathroom Renovation Costs

Labour costs and material expenses are the primary factors that affect the overall cost of a bathroom renovation. Additionally, hidden costs, such as plumbing issues or structural repairs, can also impact the final expenses.

Labour costs

Paying for people to work on your bathroom makeover can take a big part of your budget. Firstly, the cost will depend on how much needs to be done and who you hire. In Dublin, for example, we see many homeowners spending a good chunk of their renovation budget on skilled workers like plumbers, electricians, and tilers.

Although skilled labour isn't cheap, it's important to note that it's worth it for a job well done.

Consequently, we need to think smartly about the work that needs to be done. Interestingly, sometimes small changes can save us money here. For instance, if we keep the plumbing where it is instead of moving things around, we won't have to pay as much in labour costs.

Material costs

When renovating your bathroom, material costs play a significant role in determining the overall expenses. From tiles to fixtures and fittings, these materials can impact your budget.

The average cost of these materials varies depending on their quality and design preferences. It is essential to allocate a portion of your budget specifically for these materials, as they can significantly influence the total cost of your bathroom renovation.

Next, let's delve into another important aspect affecting bathroom renovation costs: hidden costs.

Hidden costs

When planning a bathroom renovation, it's important to consider any hidden costs that may arise. These can include unexpected structural issues, such as water damage or plumbing problems, which may require additional repair work and consequently increase the overall cost of the project.

Moreover, overlooked expenses like permitsdisposal fees for old fixtures and fittings, or potential increases in material prices could also add to the total renovation expenditure.

So, careful budgeting should be done keeping these potential hidden costs in mind to avoid any financial surprises during your bathroom refurbishment journey. Taking professional advice can help anticipate and account for these unforeseen expenses.

Average Bathroom Renovation Costs in Dublin

When it comes to bathroom renovations in Dublin, the average basic cost can range from €5,000 to €10,000. However, factors such as the size of the bathroom and specific requirements can increase the cost significantly.

Basic renovation costs

The basic renovation costs for a new bathroom in Ireland can range from around €2,500 to €4,000. This figure covers the essential expenses for installing standard fixtures and fittings.

However, if you're looking for a full refurbishment with standard tiles and the most common features, the cost can go up to about €6,500 plus VAT at 13.5%. Additionally, on average, an ordinary bathroom renovation in Dublin costs around €7,000, but this amount may vary based on specific requirements and location.

Moreover, keep in mind that adding any extra features or premium materials will increase the overall budget of your bathroom project. Equally important, remember that labour costs usually take up a significant portion of the total expense, along with material costs, when planning your bathroom makeover or renovation.

Factors that may increase costs

After considering the basic renovation costs, there are several factors that may increase the overall expenses of your bathroom renovation. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Upgrading to high-end fixtures and fittings, such as luxury taps, designer tiles, or custom cabinetry, can significantly increase the overall cost.
  2. Making structural changes, such as moving plumbing or knocking down walls, can lead to unexpected expenses due to the need for additional labour and materials.
  3. Unforeseen issues like water damage, mould, or outdated electrical wiring might be discovered once the renovation begins, adding to the total cost.
  4. Opting for premium materials such as natural stone tiles or custom-made glass shower enclosures will raise the overall price tag of the renovation project.
  5. Selecting custom design elements and personalised features tailored to your specific preferences and needs will add extra costs compared to standard off-the-shelf options.
  6. Engaging in a full-scale bathroom layout redesign involving the repositioning of fixtures and changing the spatial configuration will likely result in higher costs due to increased labour and material requirements.
  7. Compliance with building regulations and obtaining necessary permits can also contribute to higher costs, which should not be overlooked during the planning process.

Tips for Saving Money on a Bathroom Renovation

When it comes to saving money on a bathroom renovation, utilising existing plumbing and seeking professional advice can help you cut down on unnecessary expenses. Choosing cost-effective materials can also make a significant difference in the overall cost of your renovation project.

Utilising existing plumbing

One way to save money on your bathroom renovation is by utilising existing plumbing. Reusing the current plumbing layout can help you avoid the additional cost of rerouting pipes and installing new fixtures, which can significantly reduce labour costs.

Moreover, opting to work around the existing plumbing can also minimise material costs as it eliminates the need for purchasing extra piping or fittings. By reusing what's already in place, you can keep your bathroom renovation expenses within a more manageable budget range while still achieving a fresh and updated look for your space.

Seeking professional opinion

Initially, before starting your bathroom renovation, it's a good idea to seek professional advice. Subsequently, a qualified plumber or contractor can assess your current plumbing and structural conditions, providing valuable insights on potential challenges and cost-saving opportunities.

Furthermore, they can offer guidance on the best materials for longevity and cost-efficiency, ensuring that you make informed decisions throughout the renovation process. Additionally, having a professional opinion can help prevent costly mistakes and ensure that your bathroom renovation stays within budget.

Now let’s dive into some practical tips for saving money on your bathroom renovation.

Choosing cost-effective materials

When choosing materials for your bathroom renovation, first consider cost-effective options that can still give a stylish and durable finish. Then, look for affordable yet high-quality tiles, fixtures, and fittings that fit within your budget without compromising on functionality or aesthetics.

Moreover, opting for materials with long-term warranties and energy-efficient features can also help you save money in the long run while adding value to your home.

To this end, we recommend exploring local suppliers and comparing prices to find the best deals on materials. Lastly, consider using recycled or repurposed items where possible to reduce costs without sacrificing quality.


We've covered the key factors impacting bathroom renovation costs and how to save money on your project. Remember, the cost in Dublin can vary, but using our tips can lead to significant savings and desired outcomes. 

For expert guidance and tailored renovation packages, reach out to Build Tech's experienced professionals to achieve an efficient and beautiful bathroom within your budget.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.

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