How to Find a Ber Assessor for Your Next Renovation Project?

Matt Keane
May 26, 2023

Renovation projects can breathe new life into your home, giving it a fresh look and feel while also potentially increasing its market value. However, for those in Ireland, there's another crucial step to take during the renovation process: getting a Building Energy Rating (BER) assessment. A BER provides invaluable insights into the energy performance of your property. So, how do you find the right assessor for the job?

In this guide, tailored especially for the Irish audience, we delve deep into understanding the role of a BER Assessor, and how to choose the perfect fit for your renovation project with the help of BuildPro.

Understanding the Importance of BER

Before diving into the 'how-to', it's essential to grasp the 'whys'. Why is it so crucial for Irish homeowners to get their properties BER assessed?

  1. Legally Mandatory: In Ireland, it's mandatory for all properties that are being sold or rented out to have a BER. This helps potential buyers or tenants understand the energy performance of the property they're considering.
  2. Insight into Energy Consumption: The BER provides you with information on your property’s energy use. This includes everything from heating and cooling to lighting, giving you a complete overview.
  3. Potential Savings: By understanding how energy is consumed in your home, you can take steps to make it more energy-efficient. This could lead to significant savings on energy bills in the long run.

The Role of a BER Assessor

A BER Assessor is a trained professional who evaluates and rates the energy performance of a building. Their assessment provides a standard measure, allowing property owners to compare and contrast energy performance across different properties.

  1. On-Site Evaluations: BER Assessors conduct on-site inspections to gather essential data. This includes examining the type of windows, doors, walls, and insulation. They also look at heating systems and any renewable energy sources in place.
  2. Software Analysis: After collecting all the necessary data, assessors utilise specialised software to calculate the property's energy performance. The result is a rating that ranges from A1 (most energy-efficient) to G (least energy-efficient).
  3. Providing Certificates: Once the analysis is done, the assessor provides a BER certificate valid for ten years (unless significant changes are made to the property).

Key Qualities to Look for in a BER Assessor

Now that we've grasped the significance of a BER assessment and the role of the assessor, let's consider what qualities make an ideal BER Assessor for your renovation project:

  1. Professional Certification: Ensure that the assessor is registered with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). This certification guarantees that they have the necessary training and qualifications.
  2. Experience Matters: While all certified assessors are competent, experience brings depth. An assessor with several years under their belt might be more adept at handling unique or complex situations.
  3. Up-to-date Knowledge: The field of energy efficiency is always evolving. An ideal assessor stays updated with the latest technologies, methodologies, and regulations.
  4. Clear Communication: It's crucial for the assessor to clearly communicate their findings, explain their implications, and provide actionable recommendations.
  5. Transparency in Pricing: Before hiring, make sure you understand all costs involved. Some assessors might have hidden charges or additional fees for particular services.

How to Find the Right Assessor?

Now, to the heart of the matter: how do you find the right BER Assessor?

  1. Seek Recommendations: Talk to friends, family, or neighbours who've recently undergone a renovation. Their first-hand experience can provide valuable insights.
  2. Online Portals and Platforms: Several online platforms and directories list certified BER Assessors. These platforms often come with reviews and ratings, giving you a fair idea of the assessor's competence and reliability.
  3. Professional Associations: Associations related to construction, renovation, and energy efficiency in Ireland often have a list of certified BER Assessors. This can be a reliable place to start your search.
  4. Interview Potential Candidates: Don't hesitate to set up interviews. Ask about their experience, approach, and ask for references from past clients.
  5. Ask for a Sample Report: This will give you an idea of what to expect and how detailed and understandable their assessments are.
  6. Price Comparison: While you shouldn’t base your decision solely on price, it's a good practice to compare quotes from different assessors. This will ensure you get value for money.

For those looking to delve deeper, you can always find a ber assessor with this comprehensive resource, tailored especially for the Irish audience.

Common Misconceptions About BER Assessments

As with many processes, there are a few misconceptions surrounding BER assessments:

  1. Only New Properties Need a BER: This is incorrect. In Ireland, every property that's sold or rented needs a valid BER, regardless of when it was built.
  2. A Poor BER Rating Reduces Property Value: Not necessarily. While a good BER rating can enhance a property's appeal, other factors play significant roles in determining its market value.
  3. The Process is Lengthy and Invasive: A typical assessment takes just a few hours. Assessors are trained to be thorough yet non-invasive.
  4. You Can't Improve Your BER: Not true. By implementing the recommendations made by the assessor, homeowners can improve their property's energy efficiency, potentially leading to a better BER upon re-evaluation.


Securing a BER Assessor isn't just a legal necessity; it's a step towards understanding your property better and making it more energy-efficient. By carefully selecting the right assessor, you're ensuring that your renovation project adheres to standards and provides insights that can lead to long-term savings. Remember, it's not just about compliance, but about making informed decisions for a sustainable future.

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